That’s right, my friend. If you no longer wish to relate with me, I think it’s bloody fair enough!!! It’s very hard to be friends with someone who has Compulsive Shopping Disorder!
I’m not a vain person, I promise. I don’t relate to people because of their appearance, their style, where they buy their clothes from or even if they wear anything at all. But I tell you people, I have shit loads of stuff, that’s not funny!!! Do you want hear numbers???? I give you some number: 19 pairs of jeans, 12 pair of boots (in Brisbane, where the lowest average temperature in winter is 18 degrees for God’s sake!!!), 35 pair of shoes and around 20 handbags. Not to mention the tops, dresses (Oh gosh, dresses. I LOVE them, I LOVE them. I’ve got heaps and heaps of dresses), belts, rings, necklaces, earrings and more, much more…
Now, after all this information above, guess what I did yesterday? I went shopping!!! How much does one need??? I have to blame this little incident on my friend Moiz (who’s Indian. You see?? I love Indian people. Don’t get the joke?? Read here).
Well, back to the story, we were meant to catch up for a beer after work yesterday. The poor boy ended up working till a bit later, so I was left alone, defenseless, in the care of my credit card’s power in the city. But there is more. Yeap, more!!! The innocent Paulinha is walking in the streets of Brisbane where there are SALE signs bloody everywhere. The signs were walking towards me, holding me by the hair, by the hair people, by the hair, and dragging me inside their shops. What was I supposed to do?? I wasn’t gonna fight them, was I?? They are stronger than me.
The sad side of the story is that these SALE signs follow me everywhere, I promise. Every time I’m in the city walking to a bus stop, to meet a friend or whatever, these signs run in my direction, tackle me down and pull me by my feet into their stores. WHAT CAN I DO???? Please someone tell me!!!
So, end of the story last night, which is the same end every time a SALE sign undertakes me, was that I bought a beautiful pair of Leopard skin hill (I know, very sexy!!) and a red wristlet purse (excuse me, totally necessary!!!).
In my defense, I would like to emphasize here that I’m not vain. Just because I’m often detained by the SALE signs, it doesn’t mean I’m a weak person. Also, it doesn’t mean that all I think about is appearance or that I’m a superficial person.
We all have our weaknesses and obsessions. Each to their own. Mine is Compulsive Shopping Disorder!!!
I know exactely what you are talking about. Those goddamn sale signs are vicious! I've been attacked, knocked to the floor and dragged inside shops many times by them. What can a poor girl do to defend herself in this situation? Nothing.
haha you two are funny!!!
I know what you mean!! I've been attacked so many times and that's the reason that I'm not going to the mall anymore. HOWEVERRRRR, I've been attacked by a very powerfull source in my opinion: the dive shop merchandising which, by the way, it's not on sale!!!My credit card is feeling raped. Poor him!!!
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