Gears packed, everyone collected, food and drinks set to go, map opened in the wrong page, and off they went. The drive was great! A loud and funny girly talk was the sound track, with an almost silent SugarBabes’ track being played in the background. In front of them, the beautiful and wavy landscape guided the girls throug the right way.
Once they arrived in the town, everything was magic! The girls found a colourful tree where they stopped to relax, and enjoy the fresh air.

They also found a beautiful lake where they could enjoy the view while playing with the friendly puppies.

But as the sun was going down, the girls had to get ready. They had big plans for the evening!
A couple of hours later, looking absolutely stunning…

…they left the motel for a journey they would never imagine.
Everything started with the first bottle of wine…

…and then there was the second, third and forth…

What the girls didn’t know was that wines are very evil, and they have some enchanting effect on people. After a few bottles, wine can make you extremely happy (or sad depending on the day!!!), funny, silly, and addictive, very addictive.
So everything started to go down hill. After dinner, desperate for more wine, the girls rushed to the motel so they could feed their thirst…
Once they walked into the motel, they came to a terrible realisation… “Oooohhh nnnoooo!!! We don’t have a bottle opener”, screamed one. “Oooohhh nnnooo!! That’s the end of the world!!! No more wine for tonight!!!”
But one of the girls had a life saving idea: “let’s open it with a Swiss knife (Thank God for the Swiss knife!!!)”. After a few minutes of much struggle and wine wastage (do you know how bloody hard it is to open a bottle of wine with a bloody Swiss knife?? Man, it’s bloody hard!!!), the miracle happened. The bottle was open…

And the cork was inside.
But things became even worse for the girls. Things started getting crazy,


And the girls were overtaken by a laughter force, where they couldn’t control themselves anymore…
Than they started dancing…

And the unexpected (read: totally expected) happened…

They were sooooo drunk that they spilt wine all over the room – including themselves.
The End
I absoluely loved the photos and the best of all, it has a story to go with it!!
Fab!! I'm sorry that I missed it though!!
They do sound like absolute nutcases. Not something that I personally would ever do, but each to their own.
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