For some crazy reason in this whole world, all the men in my life are stubborn. And I’m not talking about only men I get involved emotionally with (and physically. ehhrrr, no further details here, excuse me!), I’m talking about friends, my brother, my dad, uncles, cousins, work mates, every single one of them.
I usually say one always attracts the same type of person closer to themselves. I dunno how to explain this, but I believe a person will always find one (or maybe two or three) particular characteristic in a partner that was common to all previous partners. Well, if it hasn’t happened to you, you’re freaky!!! This happens to all people I know well.
Back to the story, the most common characteristic in men, in my personal experience is stubbornness. And as I said, it isn’t only with my partner. I get it with all my male friends and relatives as well.
Well, the movie Transformers started showing yesterday on the cinemas here in Australia. My work mate, whose desk is right across mine, was dying to see this movie, and he was counting the days for the opening. He was so excited at work yesterday, telling me how he couldn’t wait to watch the movie that night. I gave him the first piece of advice:
Me: “The cinema is going to be packed tonight with screaming kids, with their Transformer toys, running around the place, making funny noises “vvvvvvtttttt”, “paw”, shhhhtttt”, and you’ll be going nuts asking yourself what the hell your are doing there in the opening night…
He said that there were TWO, not only one, but TWO sessions around 6.15pm ish and he’s going to be fine.
Then I gave him the second piece of advice:
Me: “6pm?? That’s exactly when the parents leave work, pick up their kids and go to the opening night of a movie their kids like. A movie like Transformers, for example. Why don’t you go later???”
At that stage, I started to realise that he was just one more of the stubborn men that crosses my life and I started to have a laugh…
He went on and on about how he’d be fine as there were two sessions, and that wouldn’t be a problem.
Then I decided to give him the third and last piece of advice, but it came with a warning:
Me: “Ben, it’s 3.45pm now. If you REALLY want to make this movie tonight, you must book your ticket now in the Internet. Otherwise you won’t get seats. It has happened to me before, and I was very disappointed. And, most importantly, if you don’t get the tickets, you will miss out, and I will make sooooooo, but sooooo much fun of you that you will hate me and the Transformers forever. I’ll have no mercy!!!”
He said he’d be fine.
Ok, this morning started very well for me. As I opened the office door…
Me: “Morning Ben, how was the movie??”
Ben: “Good” (with a very shy smile)…
Me (dancing around the office): “hahaahhahahahha, hahahhahahaha, hahahahahhhaha… You hahahahha didn’t hahahha see the movie hahahahahaha, did you????
Ben: “ No, it was sold out”
Me: “hahahahahha, hahahhahaha, hahahhahahha”
So, I’ve been making fun of him the whole day.
“So Ben, what did you do after the movie last night??? Oh, sorry that’s right, you actually didn’t watch the movie. Hahahahhahahahha”
Or “You’re feeling tired??? Probably because you arrived home late from the movie last night. Oh, ops, you didn’t watch the movie hahaahahahah…”
I can be sooo mean sometimes. I soooo love that!!! But why don’t men listen??? I have to pay them out when these things happen, don’t you think???
Well, my day at work is finishing soon, and Ben and I just had the following conversation:
Me: “What are you doing tonight??”
Ben: “Watching the Transformers”
Me: “It’s 3pm, buy your ticket now…”
Ben: “It’s Friday, who will go to the cinemas tonight??”
In the story begins again…
Friday, June 29, 2007
Being twenty - something...
Hey, hey, it's me again. Twice in the same day??? I know, what's wrong with me??? I'm such in a good mood that I might even come back again later on today...that will be three posts in a day, Hooray!!! (Sorry, just in case you can't count...)
Well, I'm here to share stuff again. My lovely friend Moiz has sent me this text below. I reckon many, many people would identify themselves with it. Enjoy it!!!
Well, I'm here to share stuff again. My lovely friend Moiz has sent me this text below. I reckon many, many people would identify themselves with it. Enjoy it!!!
It is when you stop going along with the crowd and start realizing that there are many things about yourself that you didn't know and may not like. You start feeling insecure and wonder where you will be in a year or two, but then get scared because you barely know where you are now.Beijos and I might see you later, with my third post today (weird, huh??) And have you done the 26 questions?? So what are you waiting for?? Go and do it now...
You start realizing that people are selfish and that, maybe, those friends that you thought you were so close to aren't exactly the greatest people you have ever met, and the people you have lost touch with are some of the most important ones. What you don't recognize is that they are realizing that too, and aren't really cold, catty, mean or insincere, but that they are as confused as you.
You look at your job... and it is not even close to what you thought you would be doing, or maybe you are looking for a job and realizing that you are going to have to start at the bottom and that scares you.
Your opinions have gotten stronger. You see what others are doing and find yourself judging more than usual because suddenly you realize that you have certain boundaries in your life and are constantly adding things to your list of what is acceptable and what isn't. One minute, you are insecure and then the next, secure.
You laugh and cry with the greatest force of your life. You feel alone and scared and confused. Suddenly, change is the enemy and you try and cling on to the past with dear life, but soon realize that the past is drifting further and further away, and there is nothing to do but stay where you are or move forward.
You get your heart broken and wonder how someone you loved could do such damage to you. Or you be in bed and wonder why you can't meet anyone decent enough that you want to get to know better. Or maybe you love someone but love someone else too and cannot figure out why you're doing this because you know that you aren't a bad person. One night stands and random hook ups start to look cheap. Getting wasted and acting like an idiot starts to look pathetic. You go through the same emotions and questions over and over, and talk with your friends about the same topics because you cannot seem to make a decision. You worry about loans, money, the future and making a life for yourself... and while winning the race would be great, right now you'd just like to be a contender!
What you may not realize is that every one reading this relates to it. We are in our best of times and our worst of times, trying as hard as we can to figure this whole thing out. Send this to your twenty-something friends... maybe it will help someone feel like they aren't alone in their state of confusion...
We call it the "Quarter-life Crisis."
Ramdon questions....
A friend sent me these questions via email and I thought I might share them with you.
Could you please be nice and cut/paste them into your blog with your own answers??? Please don't be boring, and participate. It's we go:
1. What is your occupation? Support and Student Liaison Officer
2. What colour are your socks right now? White, I only wear white socks for some stupid reason...
3. What are you listening to right now? Some dodge song from Kylie Minogue and Nick Cave, and Ben's keyboard while he types something (probably silly) :-)
4. What was the last thing that you ate? Breakfast, very yummy!! Pears with Greek yogurt, oats and honey. It's healthy too, I'm trying to lose weight :-(
5. Can you drive a stick shift? Of course. I'm the best driver in the whole world, and good drivers don't drive stupid automatic cars...those are for loser. Sorry, that's my opinion...
6. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Red, my favourite colour, just like me. Strong, unforgettable and beautiful (and very modest!!)
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Dad, in Brazil.
8. How old are you today? 24 - Boring!!!
9. Favourite drink? Alcohol... ops I sound like an alcoholic. I'll rephrase that, anything that contains a substance that makes you feel different (it can be good or bad different) after continuous sips...
10. What is your favourite sport to watch? Soccer and volleyball. I also love watching ice skating. My babe hates it!! Can I answer the one I most hate to watch too??? Baseball and American football, I just don't get it!!!
11. Have you ever dyed your hair? Hummmm, I used to like to say "my hair is virgin", but not anymore. But I've only done 12 foils and only twice. Does it count??? Can I still call my hair 'virgin'?? Please!!!!
12. Pets? My boyfriend... what??? Is it wrong??? I like to put a collar on him hehehehehehehhe...
13. Favourite food? I love them all!!! I'm a big pig!!! That's why I'm trying to loose weight now!!!
14. What was the last movie you watched? Seven years in Tibet, on DVD. I absolutely loved it!!!! I want to move to Tibet, but for a month only. Couldn't handle wearing the same thing everyday...
15. Favourite holiday? Brazil on summer with my family and friends, partying like an animal, carnival, food, drinks, have I said parties??
16. What do you do to vent anger? I bitch, I bitch, I bitch. Ah, I also speak very loud (read scream) at the person or the thing that's making me angry.
17. What was your favourite toy as a kid? My roller blades, for sure.
18. What is your favourite, autumn or Spring? Dunno, summer?!?!?!?!?
19. Hugs or kisses? Hum, that's funny, because I like both, but kisses is my favourite and my babe's favourite is hug :-( we were actually talking about this yesterday...
20. Cherry or Blueberry? Cherry, yummy!!!
21. Do you want your friends to write this in their blogs? That would be nice...
22. Living arrangements? I live in the most beautiful place in the world. I love it!!!
23. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday morning talking to my mum in the phone... long story..
24. What's on the floor of your closet? Shit loads of stuff. My closet isn't that big so I have to improvise... handbags and my 12 pair of boots....
25. What did you do last Night? Played beach volleyball, froze my toes when doing that, and went home to cook yummy Brazilian stuff with my flatmate. And went to bed with my babe. It was lovely...
26. what are you doing tonight? Going to friends' place for dinner. It'll be a Malaysian fish, YUMMY!!! Please stop dribbling all over the screen... Thank you!!!
Now, what are you waiting for??? This post is over... go and post your 26 questions. Go, go, go!!!
Could you please be nice and cut/paste them into your blog with your own answers??? Please don't be boring, and participate. It's we go:
1. What is your occupation? Support and Student Liaison Officer
2. What colour are your socks right now? White, I only wear white socks for some stupid reason...
3. What are you listening to right now? Some dodge song from Kylie Minogue and Nick Cave, and Ben's keyboard while he types something (probably silly) :-)
4. What was the last thing that you ate? Breakfast, very yummy!! Pears with Greek yogurt, oats and honey. It's healthy too, I'm trying to lose weight :-(
5. Can you drive a stick shift? Of course. I'm the best driver in the whole world, and good drivers don't drive stupid automatic cars...those are for loser. Sorry, that's my opinion...
6. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Red, my favourite colour, just like me. Strong, unforgettable and beautiful (and very modest!!)
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Dad, in Brazil.
8. How old are you today? 24 - Boring!!!
9. Favourite drink? Alcohol... ops I sound like an alcoholic. I'll rephrase that, anything that contains a substance that makes you feel different (it can be good or bad different) after continuous sips...
10. What is your favourite sport to watch? Soccer and volleyball. I also love watching ice skating. My babe hates it!! Can I answer the one I most hate to watch too??? Baseball and American football, I just don't get it!!!
11. Have you ever dyed your hair? Hummmm, I used to like to say "my hair is virgin", but not anymore. But I've only done 12 foils and only twice. Does it count??? Can I still call my hair 'virgin'?? Please!!!!
12. Pets? My boyfriend... what??? Is it wrong??? I like to put a collar on him hehehehehehehhe...
13. Favourite food? I love them all!!! I'm a big pig!!! That's why I'm trying to loose weight now!!!
14. What was the last movie you watched? Seven years in Tibet, on DVD. I absolutely loved it!!!! I want to move to Tibet, but for a month only. Couldn't handle wearing the same thing everyday...
15. Favourite holiday? Brazil on summer with my family and friends, partying like an animal, carnival, food, drinks, have I said parties??
16. What do you do to vent anger? I bitch, I bitch, I bitch. Ah, I also speak very loud (read scream) at the person or the thing that's making me angry.
17. What was your favourite toy as a kid? My roller blades, for sure.
18. What is your favourite, autumn or Spring? Dunno, summer?!?!?!?!?
19. Hugs or kisses? Hum, that's funny, because I like both, but kisses is my favourite and my babe's favourite is hug :-( we were actually talking about this yesterday...
20. Cherry or Blueberry? Cherry, yummy!!!
21. Do you want your friends to write this in their blogs? That would be nice...
22. Living arrangements? I live in the most beautiful place in the world. I love it!!!
23. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday morning talking to my mum in the phone... long story..
24. What's on the floor of your closet? Shit loads of stuff. My closet isn't that big so I have to improvise... handbags and my 12 pair of boots....
25. What did you do last Night? Played beach volleyball, froze my toes when doing that, and went home to cook yummy Brazilian stuff with my flatmate. And went to bed with my babe. It was lovely...
26. what are you doing tonight? Going to friends' place for dinner. It'll be a Malaysian fish, YUMMY!!! Please stop dribbling all over the screen... Thank you!!!
Now, what are you waiting for??? This post is over... go and post your 26 questions. Go, go, go!!!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
I have CSD.

That’s right, my friend. If you no longer wish to relate with me, I think it’s bloody fair enough!!! It’s very hard to be friends with someone who has Compulsive Shopping Disorder!
I’m not a vain person, I promise. I don’t relate to people because of their appearance, their style, where they buy their clothes from or even if they wear anything at all. But I tell you people, I have shit loads of stuff, that’s not funny!!! Do you want hear numbers???? I give you some number: 19 pairs of jeans, 12 pair of boots (in Brisbane, where the lowest average temperature in winter is 18 degrees for God’s sake!!!), 35 pair of shoes and around 20 handbags. Not to mention the tops, dresses (Oh gosh, dresses. I LOVE them, I LOVE them. I’ve got heaps and heaps of dresses), belts, rings, necklaces, earrings and more, much more…
Now, after all this information above, guess what I did yesterday? I went shopping!!! How much does one need??? I have to blame this little incident on my friend Moiz (who’s Indian. You see?? I love Indian people. Don’t get the joke?? Read here).
Well, back to the story, we were meant to catch up for a beer after work yesterday. The poor boy ended up working till a bit later, so I was left alone, defenseless, in the care of my credit card’s power in the city. But there is more. Yeap, more!!! The innocent Paulinha is walking in the streets of Brisbane where there are SALE signs bloody everywhere. The signs were walking towards me, holding me by the hair, by the hair people, by the hair, and dragging me inside their shops. What was I supposed to do?? I wasn’t gonna fight them, was I?? They are stronger than me.
The sad side of the story is that these SALE signs follow me everywhere, I promise. Every time I’m in the city walking to a bus stop, to meet a friend or whatever, these signs run in my direction, tackle me down and pull me by my feet into their stores. WHAT CAN I DO???? Please someone tell me!!!
So, end of the story last night, which is the same end every time a SALE sign undertakes me, was that I bought a beautiful pair of Leopard skin hill (I know, very sexy!!) and a red wristlet purse (excuse me, totally necessary!!!).
In my defense, I would like to emphasize here that I’m not vain. Just because I’m often detained by the SALE signs, it doesn’t mean I’m a weak person. Also, it doesn’t mean that all I think about is appearance or that I’m a superficial person.
We all have our weaknesses and obsessions. Each to their own. Mine is Compulsive Shopping Disorder!!!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
The four nutcases
Once upon a time four girls decided to leave the stress and stinky air of the big city behind, and depart in an adventure they would never forget. The destination was Stanthorpe, and the main goal was to have fun.
Gears packed, everyone collected, food and drinks set to go, map opened in the wrong page, and off they went. The drive was great! A loud and funny girly talk was the sound track, with an almost silent SugarBabes’ track being played in the background. In front of them, the beautiful and wavy landscape guided the girls throug the right way.
Once they arrived in the town, everything was magic! The girls found a colourful tree where they stopped to relax, and enjoy the fresh air.
They also found a beautiful lake where they could enjoy the view while playing with the friendly puppies.

But as the sun was going down, the girls had to get ready. They had big plans for the evening!
A couple of hours later, looking absolutely stunning…

…they left the motel for a journey they would never imagine.
Everything started with the first bottle of wine…

…and then there was the second, third and forth…

What the girls didn’t know was that wines are very evil, and they have some enchanting effect on people. After a few bottles, wine can make you extremely happy (or sad depending on the day!!!), funny, silly, and addictive, very addictive.
So everything started to go down hill. After dinner, desperate for more wine, the girls rushed to the motel so they could feed their thirst…
Once they walked into the motel, they came to a terrible realisation… “Oooohhh nnnoooo!!! We don’t have a bottle opener”, screamed one. “Oooohhh nnnooo!! That’s the end of the world!!! No more wine for tonight!!!”
But one of the girls had a life saving idea: “let’s open it with a Swiss knife (Thank God for the Swiss knife!!!)”. After a few minutes of much struggle and wine wastage (do you know how bloody hard it is to open a bottle of wine with a bloody Swiss knife?? Man, it’s bloody hard!!!), the miracle happened. The bottle was open…

And the cork was inside.
But things became even worse for the girls. Things started getting crazy,


And the girls were overtaken by a laughter force, where they couldn’t control themselves anymore…

Than they started dancing…

And the unexpected (read: totally expected) happened…

They were sooooo drunk that they spilt wine all over the room – including themselves.
The End
Gears packed, everyone collected, food and drinks set to go, map opened in the wrong page, and off they went. The drive was great! A loud and funny girly talk was the sound track, with an almost silent SugarBabes’ track being played in the background. In front of them, the beautiful and wavy landscape guided the girls throug the right way.
Once they arrived in the town, everything was magic! The girls found a colourful tree where they stopped to relax, and enjoy the fresh air.

They also found a beautiful lake where they could enjoy the view while playing with the friendly puppies.

But as the sun was going down, the girls had to get ready. They had big plans for the evening!
A couple of hours later, looking absolutely stunning…

…they left the motel for a journey they would never imagine.
Everything started with the first bottle of wine…

…and then there was the second, third and forth…

What the girls didn’t know was that wines are very evil, and they have some enchanting effect on people. After a few bottles, wine can make you extremely happy (or sad depending on the day!!!), funny, silly, and addictive, very addictive.
So everything started to go down hill. After dinner, desperate for more wine, the girls rushed to the motel so they could feed their thirst…
Once they walked into the motel, they came to a terrible realisation… “Oooohhh nnnoooo!!! We don’t have a bottle opener”, screamed one. “Oooohhh nnnooo!! That’s the end of the world!!! No more wine for tonight!!!”
But one of the girls had a life saving idea: “let’s open it with a Swiss knife (Thank God for the Swiss knife!!!)”. After a few minutes of much struggle and wine wastage (do you know how bloody hard it is to open a bottle of wine with a bloody Swiss knife?? Man, it’s bloody hard!!!), the miracle happened. The bottle was open…

And the cork was inside.
But things became even worse for the girls. Things started getting crazy,


And the girls were overtaken by a laughter force, where they couldn’t control themselves anymore…
Than they started dancing…

And the unexpected (read: totally expected) happened…

They were sooooo drunk that they spilt wine all over the room – including themselves.
The End
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Very dissapointed...
I'm so upset!!!
I've changed my blog template by mistake and now I'm not happy with the one I got :-(
It doesn't look very different, I know, but it isn't the same though... my counter disappeared and now I can't figure out how to put the new one. Apparently I did, but it doesn't change from 2 visitors...
Maybe I haven't had more than two visitors...?
I'm upset. I find the other template easier to use...
I'm pissed off at you blog!!!
I've changed my blog template by mistake and now I'm not happy with the one I got :-(
It doesn't look very different, I know, but it isn't the same though... my counter disappeared and now I can't figure out how to put the new one. Apparently I did, but it doesn't change from 2 visitors...
Maybe I haven't had more than two visitors...?
I'm upset. I find the other template easier to use...
I'm pissed off at you blog!!!
Friday, June 08, 2007
I'm sooo excited!!!
This coming weekend is a long weekend in Australia as on Monday, the 11th is a public holiday celebrating the Queen’s Birthday (I don’t think it’s her birthday, but that’s how the holiday is called…don’t ask, I don’t have a bloody Queen!! Couldn’t care less…). Every State is on holiday except Western Australia…poor people!! That might be because they don’t give a rat’s to the Queen, just like myself. But at least I get the day off, hee hee hee…
Anyway, I’m going aawwwwaaaayyyy!!!!!!!!! HORRAY!!!!!! Come on people, be excited for me!!! I’m going to Stanthorpe, the coolest place in Queensland. I can’t wait!!! Stanthorpe is also Queensland’s wine capital.
I’m going with three other girlfriends, and I reckon we’ll have a blast. Drink heaps, heaps and heaps of wine, eat like pigs, visit nice places, freeze our butt’s off and have a good laugh.
The plan is wineries and lavender farms visits (how beautiful that must be??), maybe some bush walking in the National Park and some very posh dining. It’s also going to be interesting as this adventures team consists of a talkative Brazilian (myself), a black Malaysian (I love calling her black!! She hates it!! hee hee hee), an exhausted Swiss after 500 hundred hours of work and exams, and a lovely Peruvian. It’s definitely going to be a good mix of positive energy and backgrounds.
I’ve been counting the days for this trip. I’m very excited for the driving (as I selected myself to be the designated driver – very democratic!!!), as it is one of my favourite things to do in this whole world. I’m also very excited for the cold weather. I know it’s a bit weird, but it’s nice to do something different sometimes. And I’m never in places that cold. Just picture me around the wood fire, with the other gals drinking a beautiful and yummy wine having a joint…ops!!!! Did I say that???? Please ignore it, that’s meant to be censured…I’m gonna have FUN-AHN!!!!
In another note, I just have to ask you one thing. Have you ever cried because you love someone soooooo much and you’re soooooo happy because that person is yours??? I thought so!!! So have I…
Have a fabulous long weekend people.
Not you Western Australians...

Aahh dear, I’m in a good mood today...
Beijos people.
Anyway, I’m going aawwwwaaaayyyy!!!!!!!!! HORRAY!!!!!! Come on people, be excited for me!!! I’m going to Stanthorpe, the coolest place in Queensland. I can’t wait!!! Stanthorpe is also Queensland’s wine capital.
I’m going with three other girlfriends, and I reckon we’ll have a blast. Drink heaps, heaps and heaps of wine, eat like pigs, visit nice places, freeze our butt’s off and have a good laugh.
The plan is wineries and lavender farms visits (how beautiful that must be??), maybe some bush walking in the National Park and some very posh dining. It’s also going to be interesting as this adventures team consists of a talkative Brazilian (myself), a black Malaysian (I love calling her black!! She hates it!! hee hee hee), an exhausted Swiss after 500 hundred hours of work and exams, and a lovely Peruvian. It’s definitely going to be a good mix of positive energy and backgrounds.
I’ve been counting the days for this trip. I’m very excited for the driving (as I selected myself to be the designated driver – very democratic!!!), as it is one of my favourite things to do in this whole world. I’m also very excited for the cold weather. I know it’s a bit weird, but it’s nice to do something different sometimes. And I’m never in places that cold. Just picture me around the wood fire, with the other gals drinking a beautiful and yummy wine having a joint…ops!!!! Did I say that???? Please ignore it, that’s meant to be censured…I’m gonna have FUN-AHN!!!!
In another note, I just have to ask you one thing. Have you ever cried because you love someone soooooo much and you’re soooooo happy because that person is yours??? I thought so!!! So have I…
Have a fabulous long weekend people.
Not you Western Australians...

Aahh dear, I’m in a good mood today...
Beijos people.
Monday, June 04, 2007
The Dream
I had a dream last night that I’d like to understand. I always believed that dreams have meanings, and they illustrate something that you’ve been thinking of, or something that has been sitting somewhere in the back of you mind…
But before I tell you about the dream, I just have to share some background information. My mind in the last 10 months ish has been quite busy worrying about things that have been happening in Brazil, as in, with my family and stuff. I’ve mentioned here (can’t remember the post) that mum has had depression, and as she is the most important person in my life (along side – a touch ahead - with my babe), this worries me heaps.
After two years going through that hell, she seems to be better now. Mum had always been a strong woman, the balance and strength of the family. When she ‘fell’, I feel that the whole family went down with her… soon after she got depressed, my parents separated, my granddad passed away, my brother’s girlfriend fell pregnant unexpectedly, and now, to make everything better (yeah, right!), my brother and his partner decided to barely speak to my mum, and ignore her as much as possible. I find this ironic, considering my brother and his girlfriend pretty much lived at my parents’ place 24/7 before all that happened. Every time I used to go home for holidays, she was there, as part of the family. I have nothing against her, and we kinda get along well. But what upsets me is the fact that mum always, always did EVERYTHING for her, and always made sure my brother and her were well together, and since she’s had the baby, she moved out of my parents’ place and moved back to her parents’ with the baby. Her and my brother have been ignoring mum, not turning up for gatherings at mum’s place, being rude to mum in the phone etc.
So, if you can get the picture, I’m sure you’d sympathise with mum. She’s a super mum!!! I really feel sorry for her, after everything she’s done for my brother and myself, she’s been totally neglected. I know there are things she could do to make her life better and more independent, but I still think that nothing justifies the way my brother has been treating her. I don’t want to be here either judging him nor criticising his behaviour. I’m just so disappointed that mum has been feeling really lonely and neglected by her son, and she’s very hurtful that he’s has changed so much into someone so distant and careless toward her.
Now, the dream!!! Mum and I were paid to stand on the top of a tree. This tree was soooo high, sooo high that the view from the top, where we were, was the same as of the one from a flying airplane. You know when you’re up there in the sky and you can see the tiny, tiny, little houses??? (Don’t ask him why we got paid to do that or why we agreed to do something sooo scary. It was a dream for God’s sake!!). So, I’m a up there, standing on this tiny tree branch and mum is on another one next to me. I remember being sooooo scared, and even through my sleep I could feel the fear in my stomach. My biggest fear was of mum falling of the tree rather than myself. I couldn’t handle that anymore and I told mum we had to leave, and she calmly said: “Let’s get back inside.” I didn’t even know there was an inside, but I was glad when we got there, and I felt safe.
I woke up still feeling afraid and unprotected. I’ve been feeling very confused with this whole weird situation happening back in Brazil. I love my mum, more than anything in this whole world. But I also love my brother. I’m also very proud of the man he has become in terms of his professional life. He’s very intelligent, competent, responsible and hard working. I’m also sure he’s a wonderful father. But I’m sooo disappointed with how he’s has become this man without feelings, so stubborn and so angry at life. Actually, that’s how I feel at the moment; he has been angry at life. I wish he’d talk to mum, talk to me!!! But he chooses to be rude, yell and say I know nothing about anything. I REALLY don’t want to judge him, or say his all wrong!! He’s been trough a lot, I’m sure. But he’s hard to reach, and all I can think of at the moment is this whole mess happening at home and I’m here.
I need to go…home!!!
But before I tell you about the dream, I just have to share some background information. My mind in the last 10 months ish has been quite busy worrying about things that have been happening in Brazil, as in, with my family and stuff. I’ve mentioned here (can’t remember the post) that mum has had depression, and as she is the most important person in my life (along side – a touch ahead - with my babe), this worries me heaps.
After two years going through that hell, she seems to be better now. Mum had always been a strong woman, the balance and strength of the family. When she ‘fell’, I feel that the whole family went down with her… soon after she got depressed, my parents separated, my granddad passed away, my brother’s girlfriend fell pregnant unexpectedly, and now, to make everything better (yeah, right!), my brother and his partner decided to barely speak to my mum, and ignore her as much as possible. I find this ironic, considering my brother and his girlfriend pretty much lived at my parents’ place 24/7 before all that happened. Every time I used to go home for holidays, she was there, as part of the family. I have nothing against her, and we kinda get along well. But what upsets me is the fact that mum always, always did EVERYTHING for her, and always made sure my brother and her were well together, and since she’s had the baby, she moved out of my parents’ place and moved back to her parents’ with the baby. Her and my brother have been ignoring mum, not turning up for gatherings at mum’s place, being rude to mum in the phone etc.
So, if you can get the picture, I’m sure you’d sympathise with mum. She’s a super mum!!! I really feel sorry for her, after everything she’s done for my brother and myself, she’s been totally neglected. I know there are things she could do to make her life better and more independent, but I still think that nothing justifies the way my brother has been treating her. I don’t want to be here either judging him nor criticising his behaviour. I’m just so disappointed that mum has been feeling really lonely and neglected by her son, and she’s very hurtful that he’s has changed so much into someone so distant and careless toward her.
Now, the dream!!! Mum and I were paid to stand on the top of a tree. This tree was soooo high, sooo high that the view from the top, where we were, was the same as of the one from a flying airplane. You know when you’re up there in the sky and you can see the tiny, tiny, little houses??? (Don’t ask him why we got paid to do that or why we agreed to do something sooo scary. It was a dream for God’s sake!!). So, I’m a up there, standing on this tiny tree branch and mum is on another one next to me. I remember being sooooo scared, and even through my sleep I could feel the fear in my stomach. My biggest fear was of mum falling of the tree rather than myself. I couldn’t handle that anymore and I told mum we had to leave, and she calmly said: “Let’s get back inside.” I didn’t even know there was an inside, but I was glad when we got there, and I felt safe.
I woke up still feeling afraid and unprotected. I’ve been feeling very confused with this whole weird situation happening back in Brazil. I love my mum, more than anything in this whole world. But I also love my brother. I’m also very proud of the man he has become in terms of his professional life. He’s very intelligent, competent, responsible and hard working. I’m also sure he’s a wonderful father. But I’m sooo disappointed with how he’s has become this man without feelings, so stubborn and so angry at life. Actually, that’s how I feel at the moment; he has been angry at life. I wish he’d talk to mum, talk to me!!! But he chooses to be rude, yell and say I know nothing about anything. I REALLY don’t want to judge him, or say his all wrong!! He’s been trough a lot, I’m sure. But he’s hard to reach, and all I can think of at the moment is this whole mess happening at home and I’m here.
I need to go…home!!!
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