Last Wednesday was a public holiday here in Australia, so Sharon and Ash (two lovely, lovely friends!! The only problem is that she’s black hahahahahahahah. I’m sooooo NOT racist, and I’m even darker than her, but she hates when people call her black, so I do it on purpose!! Sorry, back to the story…) came to pick me up and their tiny tinny (I like this combination of words) outside my place. I know, I know, I know… very posh!!! I live right in front of the river (off the topic again…)!!!
Ok, we are in the tiny tinny going up the Brisbane River. Apparently there are sharks in this river (as well as any other place in Australia where there is water. I always look inside the toilet before sitting down, just in case… hahahhahahhahha – I’m feeling sooo funny today!! Paulinha, tell the fucking story!!!). And as you know, I’m petrified of sharks. So we’re appreciating the view, the pelicans flying and landing on the river, other boats…there are heaps of cool stuff in the Brisbane River. Every now and then we saw something very, very interesting and Ash would slow down the engine so we could talk about it. The day was going very well until we stopped again…
Ash: Oh, oh, oh, look, look, look!!!!
Sharon and I: Where, what, what, what??? (I was going WTF??? WHAT, WHAT, WHAT??? I was a bit worried/scared for a split second)
Ash: A turtle
I: (sigh) Where???
Sharon: Where???
Ash: There…
Five seconds later people, five seconds only later I see this fin and then a fucking massive, mother fucker fish merging in the water…
Then I realised it was a dolphin…
I: OOOOWWWWW MMMYYY GOOOODDDDD!!!!! It’s a cute, cute dolphin, AAAHHHHHH!!!!! It’s gonna turn the boat, it’s gonna turn the boat!!!
Ash: SHUT THE FUCK UP woman!!!! Why the fuck is he gonna do that (Ash, always soooo patient!!)??
I: I dunno, I dunno, I’m scared, I’m scared!!!
Sharon: This is beautiful, beautiful, oh my God!!
So I came down, and started to enjoy it. He even brought a little buddy with him (I’m assuming they were guys). They spent a good ten minutes around the boat keeping us company. It was sooo beautiful and magical, despite my panic attack!!!
I really couldn’t get over this for the whole day. I really never saw something so special in my life. We reckon they followed the sound of the engine, and as we were going very slowly because we were talking, they got closer… it was magical!!!
Anyway, have a look at the photos below. It was magical!!!

Oh My Godness!! I absolutely loved the photos of the DOLPHINHOS!!!(No, it's not a misspelling!!)
I knew they were in the river as the bull sharks (my favorites!!) and the duggongs but so far I didn't have the pleasure to see them. Maybe someday I'll by a kayak and be able to see them up close on this river!!
Oh this is so beautiful- truly magical. I hope I get to see one some day.
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