Saturday, May 03, 2008

Time flies!!!

It’s crazy how time goes by soooo fast!!! I remember so well a year and a bit ago, a friend of mine calling me like a maniac!! I was in Australia, and she was here in Brazil. She kept ringing me in the weirdest times, because of the time difference, and I kept missing her calls. I knew she had something important to say, though. It had to be something very important due to her persistence!!!

I remember so well those phone calls. And as a good friend that I am (excuse-me!!!), I knew exactly what she had to tell me; she was getting married to her school-time sweet hart. Man, I was so excited, happy, pleased for her!!! And she was ringing me then to give me enough time to get organised and make the trip to Brazil for her wedding.

I remember telling her that there was nothing in the world that you’d make me miss something so important to her, and obviously, so important to me. I remember talking to my (ex)babe at the time, and we both were going to make the effort to come for the wedding.

Now, a year and five months later, I’m here getting prepared for her wedding that will be on tomorrow. I’m running to get the dress, shoes, make up, hair, everything organised. I’m so excited for this wedding, that it even seems like I’m the one to get married tomorrow. But I guess that’s how you’d feel when one of your best friends gets married. Specially because she’s the first one of us to tie the knot. I’m also happy for her because her husband to be is a wonderful man. He’s lovely, intelligent, understanding, hard-working, he’s great!!! And I reckon they deserve each other, that’s for sure. I reckon the party will be beautiful and full of positive energy. I can’t wait!!

But what has made me think a couple of times lately (I promise, only a few times!), is that a year and five months isn’t that much!! And when she rang me to give me the fantastic news about her wedding, my life was so different to what it is now. I’m not going to say that it’s better or worse, so let’s keep it as different. I was with my (ex)babe, thinking about my wedding. I had no plans whatsoever to come back to Brazil, I had just started a new job, I had just moved to a great house, with the girls, I was in a different stage of my life. How can everything change so quickly?!??!?!? I cannot even believe that, when she rang to tell me about the wedding, I was worried about the logistical and financing issues of coming over from Australia. And now, after all, I didn’t even need to worry about those issues, because I’m living here, and it has been like that for six months already!!!

The time has gone sooooo fast indeed. And it’s crazy when you stop and analyse how quickly your life can change!!! I really don’t know where all this comes from, but I have to admit I’m not used yet with how deeply my life has changed in so little time!!

I guess I’d like to give you a piece of advise. Not because I know everything, because I don’t!!! But just because that’s something new I learned very recently, with all these past changes in my life. We make up plans for our lives, and I find it very important to do so. In fact, it’s essential, in my opinion, to have a plan in which one wants to follow to achieve their objective. However, be prepared for the obstacles in the way and, more important, be aware that things are changing all the time. You need to be flexible because things might not go in the direction you want to and you need to learn how to deal with the unexpected.

I think I knew that, but not as much as I should of. I dealt with the unexpected as I could, but I’m still not sure how good it was. I still think that, almost a year later, I’m still feeling a bit lost with how I should move on with my life after the changes, and I’m still not sure why those changes happened to me. It’s really annoying when you aren’t prepared for the unexpected. It makes things harder to swallow… so be aware of the changes, and try to embrace it!!! They may seem to be for the worse, but after some time, you’ll find the positive side of it all. That’s what I’m searching for at the moment!!!


LiberdadeViaDividendos said...

Acho q vc entendeu errado meu gosto de abraç

Bettina said...

Wow- I remember that phone call too, as I was sitting at home with you when you got it and remember how I heard you scream and speak even louder than you usually do (which is hard to believe, I know) and how excited you were when you got off the phone. That was a year and five months ago? How crazy. It certainly seems like a lot has changed- for you, and for me too.

I'm glad to hear you are dealing with the settling back into Brazil situation in a really realistic way- mature, but without putting yourself under the pressure of having to be super-adapted within a few months. It all takes time, and with that time, you will no doubt find those positive things you are talking about.

Te amo... and I miss you heaps! I'm still in Laos but leaving tomorrow... feeling happy and quite strong, although I'm a bit nervous about going back to Switzerland. But all will be well, no doubt. Beijos linda, B xxx

Gabriela said...

Que linda, que poderosa essa menina Paulinha! Oh yeah my dear, the flow of life... we make a rough plan and see which direction the wind will blow you to, tell me about it.
Saudades amiga! Super beijao!