Finally!!! I made my decision to go back home for a while. I’ve been finding it very hard to deal with my family’s situation from a few continents away. I’m quite exhausted of getting mum’s sad phone calls, my brother’s stressed voice tones and dad’s lack of common sense and responsibility.
I thought that it was time to go and see for myself what the problem is, and what seems to be the reason behind my family’s breakdown.
This decision was a very tough one. As I’m going for a while, I decided to give up my apartment, in one of the most beautiful spots in Brisbane, and give up my great job as well. That was even harder, as I have created a strong bond with my boss and my work mates. I also enjoy the work and I find it rewarding the company’s appreciation towards me.
I have to say though, I’m relieved now that I know I’ll be with mum soon. I’ll be there to support her and help her go through her issues. I’ll try to show her the positive side of life and encourage her to learn about and experience different things.
For my brother, I hope to support him through his decisions and maybe give him my shoulder for a cry if necessary. He might need it!! I’ll try very hard not to judge or censure his behaviour. I tend to talk too much (if you haven’t noticed) and end up saying things that maybe I shouldn’t. So I’ll try to avoid this path with him this time.
With dad, only God knows what will happen. He told me last time in the phone that he wants me to meet “someone”. That won’t happen, but I was very upset with the idea that I’ll actually gonna have to say that to him. I’ll also try to have an adult conversation with him about other things that have been going through my mind, giving me nightmares. I’m just not sure if dad knows what ‘an adult’ conversation means. I’ll have to try it out this time.
I’m a bit scared of this trip, as it doesn’t feel like a holiday. I’m a bit scared of the negative energy I’ve been feeling when I speak to my family. I’m scared that I might not be able to solve any of the problems, and end up coming back to Australia defeated by the conflicts that have taken over my family.
Sometimes I feel that because I’ve been living away from home for 6 years, I’ve become this independent person, not without a family of course – but someone who makes decisions and choices detached by the rest of the family. Does it make sense?? So, I kinda feel like an outsider, and I think, act and behave so different to them. I feel that the three of them are just sucked in by these problems and they attack each other all the time rather then make a self analyse of how each can improve individually and solve the bloody problems.
Well, as I said, I’m petrified of this trip, and I’m soooo scared of, in the end of the day, not being able to help solve the problems or at least bring some happiness and good news to my family.
I guess all I can do is try, change my approach to something more understanding and calm and pray!!!
Wish me luck!!!!
Wish you luck.
Paulinha linda, I really don't think you should go home with the expectation to yourself that you will be able to solve their problems. You say that you are scared you might come back defeated if you cannot solve their problems, but I feel this way of looking at it puts way too much pressure on you and it is unrealistic. You are not responsible to solve their problems and you shouldn't even try doing that. Just go there and spend some time with them and be yourself and bring some love. At the end of the day, each one of you has to live their own life- you and them. The biggest gift to them will just be having you there for a bit and knowing that you care for them. That's all you have to do, nothing else.
Queria que vc soubesse que vc sempre tem a mim pra qualquer parada!!
To te esperando
Eta baiana arretada!!
I must agree with B. You won't be able to solve anyones problems. I believe that you will be able to get involved in it but those complications in your family have nothing to do wit you and will be solved in their own time. Anyway, i just want you to go and enjoy Gabriel and Rafinha!! You know you will always have a place to come back and friends who will b here with open arms!!
Beijo linda!!
Hey guys,
thanks for the lovely words...
I reckon there will be some difficult times but you're all right. I can't expect to solve people's problems. They have to do so themselves...but I guess as part of the family, you always feel kinda responsible...
I'm sure the trip will be a ball after all...
Can't wait!!!
Hey I saw on the news about a huge plain crash in Brazil and I became worried about you. PLease post soon to let us know you are ok. I hope all is going well otherwise.
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