Friday, July 20, 2007

Friday 13th

I’m not a superstitious person. I have to admit though that I can’t resist when it comes down to a perfect situation, I always spit out a superstitious expression… “Don’t put your bag on the floor because your money will go away“, “Don’t have the last piece otherwise you’ll never get married.” I always say those things out loud, but I don’t believe them at all.

Many superstitious people believe Friday 13th is evil, they bring you bad luck. Friday 13th for me, means nothing. But whenever there is a Friday 13th coming up, I say “ohhhooo this Friday is going to be Friday 13th, oohhoooo!!!”. I honestly don’t give a rat’s.

Well, ironically enough, last Friday 13th was very unlucky and evil. After 6 years of a healthy, fun, beautiful, sharing relationship, my babe and I broke up. I’m heart broken, I’m sad, shocked, angry, disappointed, lost, scared, everything!!! I didn’t see that coming, and maybe neither did he. But the bottom line is it happened and my life now will continue in a different direction.

I won’t be hopeful that we’ll get back together, but I can’t deny that I’d love it to be the case. I think he needs me as much as I need him, and that we are just perfect together. I think we maybe need a break to rethink about where we stand in this world and learn more about ourselves as individuals. And for sure this break up will either make our relationship stronger or it’ll dissolve slowly what we built together with so much love in the past 6 years.

This post is just to say so long to something that made me complete and happy for such a long time. To something that helped me grow, made me a better person and a stronger woman, to something that made me laugh and cry so many times. To something that I loved intensively, and I never wanted to let go. To something that taught me sooooo much about friendship, companionship and understanding. But most importantly, to someone that I’ll never stop loving, however love is.

I’m strong now and I’ll always be.

To you that I always called vida (life), I love you very much.


Lélly Abranches said...

oi linda!!
It was so pretty!!!
I didn't remembered that it was Friday the 13th!!
Have a safe trip babe and I shall see you when you get back!!
Luv ya

Karin said...

I am so sorry and I hope that you have an easy transition and feel at peace with whatever happens. I am glad to know that at least you are ok and weren't on that plane in Brazil. I will keep you in my thoughts.

Bettina said...

Te amo muita linda. And whatever is meant to be will be.

Gabriela said...

Oh linda, just read today... We are precious things in the universe, because we are unique! No one else in the planet is exactly like you, you are here on a mission that only you can perform. And so am I ! And the best will come! Beijos e saudades mil. Amo vc amiga, Gabby

Bettina said...

Update please, update, update, update!