Man, I tell you, Brazilian people are so shameless!! And I don't mean it because of their short shorts, nor tiny bikinis or not much cloth on during carnaval. I'm not even going there. They're shameless with regards to what they say. Well, I tell stuff about my life right open, with no discretion, out loud, not worrying much about what people think. But here in Brazil, or at least in the city I live in, people say stuff to you that I just don't get it!
Honestly, there is nothing wrong with being honest, but in some cases some discretion is required. For example, the other day I was having my nails done, and these two beauticians were talking to each other, including me in the conversation, how the other client was annoying! And I'm like "Oh my God!!! These two girls are having a bitch about a client sitting pretty close to me!!! Imagine if she was my mother??". I think that's a huge lack of common sense.
Also, I was in this private kids' playground picking up my nephew. The attendant was telling me (she didn't have a clue who the hell I was!) something like "that guy there is the father of this little boy here, and he is a tide arse!!!", And I'm like "HOLLY FATHER OF GOD!!! This woman is nuts!" Imagine if he was my husband, cousin, brother or whatever? And she said that without me even asking...
I think there is a huge difference between speaking up your mind and defaming someone. One involves you expressing your opinion about your personality or your opinion about something that is general knowledge. The other thing is you defaming someone, making people believe something about another person that they don't even know well. I think this is so wrong and very, very rude. Well, unfortunately I have to admit that people from the part of Brazil I come from are very rude and impolite (I know, I'm generalising, and I shouldn't! But oh well, it's just to help you understand my point). Man, that embarrasses me badly. Maybe I used to be like that. But after a few years living overseas, I sure learned some manners.
I wish people here looked a bit more to their own floors, and unreasonably criticized people less. I'm not sure if I'm being double standards here, but I don't think that's the case. I know I say heaps and heaps of stuff, I bitch a LOT, but I try hard not to defame people. That's not nice, and it's rude!!! I'm shameless with regards to a few things, but I try to preserve names or something similar that would easily identify a person. Well, that's the least I can do if I'm having a bitch about them, right? hehehehe...