That's the statement written in our flag. I actually find our Brazilian flag beautiful. It's green representing the Amazon, blue representing the ocean and yellow, representing the gold (mining), I think. The only thing that I wonder is if the statement really represents the situation here. I can say that 'progress' can be quite fair. Despite the world economical crisis, Brazil is still stable and doing reasonably well. The biofuel production is pretty good here. The government isn't planning to slow the work down on it due to the crisis. We've exported heaps of it to Europe and EUA as well. Agriculture is also going ok, although it has been said some grains harvest wont be as huge as last year's. The banks are still lending money to people to buy properties and some economics professors have said Brazilian banks are pretty conservative therefore, haven't done anything major to cause much damage to their structure. I really do believe my country isn't all that bad when it comes down to economical matters. Well, pretty good then for the 'progress'...
Now, let's talk about 'order'. Excuse me, what does that mean??? Many Brazilians would ask you that. How can we have a word written in our flag that doesn't even exist in our dictionary?!?!?! Of course it does, but people have not a clue what that means, which, in the end, it's the same damn thing. And I tell you, I really feel the need to name you what I mean about Brazilians NOT knowing the signification of 'order'. People here DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT read signs, for example. No parking, don't smoke, pets not allowed, preferential for gestating or disable people, recycle, don't walk in the grass, private property, music not allowed, you name it, people here cannot read it. They walk in the grass, they smoke inside shopping centres and restaurants, they park and stop whatever the hell they like, specially in the middle of the street, no matter how much you scream, horn, make gestures, they don't give a rat's, the remain still. People here also love throwing staff out of the car window, can you believe it?? Oh yeah, it kills me, kills me!!! The other day I was driving through a big avenue and this guy just opened the window and chucked a bloody bottle of coke out of the damn thing. Man, I went mental!!! I drove faster, got my car right next to his and screamed my lungs out "You sun of a bitch, go throw the rubbish inside YOUR house. The street isn't it!!" And this is nothing compared to many other things, way worse and terrible, HORRIFYING!!!
Man, I get so angry with people here, sometimes. I love Brazil, but most of the time I come to this blog to bitch about it. But it annoys me how people here have not a clue of how to be a civilized nation. Politicians are corrupted and the people are uneducated enough to not be able to say anything about it or fight for their rights. To make things even worse, they even contribute to the underdevelopment of the country by not respecting the rules. People here have the idea "I'm not gonna change the world. So if they don't do it, why am I going to do it?". I don't get it!! I can't say I'm 100% politically correct. I have my floors, plenty, sure, as everyone does. But please, people here don't respect anything or anyone. No rules, no laws, no queue, nothing!! I find it very hard to live with it. Santa ignorance! Order and Progress?!??!?! Not sure...